Monday 12 September 2016

My better half

Hi and Salam Aidiladha.

Thank you Allah for giving me another year. Thank you for giving me a really precious, my one and only little angel. Nur Zahra Adriana is the best thing happened in my life. I am truly blessed.

Giving custody to her father from saturday until monday morning(after raya prayer) is not a difficult decision. After all, he has the right. And so does Yana, as a daughter. As long she's happy, I'd be happy too. Yana's first time raya with papa this year.

May Allah grant me more strength, perseverance and rewards for all my sacrifices. May Allah ease my life's journey.

Tunggu mama & semua orang di syurga sayang. Salam Aidiladha for all muslims. 

#12september #29yo #aicardistrong #Alhamdulillah
Pray for Adriana

I really miss you sayang. Mama loves you so much! 

Mama Yana

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