Wednesday 24 August 2016

The first operation: Prosthetic eye

Assalamualaikum and hi all.

It’s been a hectic week last week. Adriana is doing great and shows a lot of improvements. Her seizure is getting better, under control. Once time a day, just a minor attack during night only. So during days, she usually wakes up in the early morning around 6-7am but she will fall asleep back. She knows her daily routine, watching television food channel, chatting, playing, therapy, and so on.

Yana is supposed to undergo her second ophthal surgery on early January 2016, but the surgery has been rescheduled so many times. The ophthal specialist, Dr Azura is a really helpful doctor and gave the earliest date which is to be scheduled on 1st November 2016. I pray everything is going to be okay. Her condition must be in good health, especially the seizure. If still have quite number of attacks, the surgery may need to delay again. I don’t mind, honestly, if that’s the best for her.

So during our last ophthal appointment in Selayang Hospital on last June, Dr Azura told us a news, I’m not sure whether it’s a good or not, but we can give it a try. She explained about Silicon Blend Expander, which is a new technology that never been tried in Malaysia. She asked me if we were agreeing to try, and I said okay. Why not give it a try if does not harm Adriana.

She explained the procedures, putting the silicon prothetic eye, and every year from time to time she will monitor and inject at the nerve, which does not require surgery every year to change the prosthetic eye. So this silicon prothetic eye will be permanent for at least 3-5 years. Adriana is only need an injection instead of undergo every 1-2 years of surgery.

Previously, on 4th May 2015, Adriana was admitted at Selayang Hospital and the next day on 5th May, underwent her first prosthetic eye surgery. Her left eye is not formed and need to put a prosthetic in order to acknowledge the facial bone that there’s an eye in the globe. At that time, Yana was very chubby around 10-11 kilograms I guess and it’s very difficult to find an IV line.

 When she was 1year 1months old, almost 10-11kg. This photo taken after the admission. Everybody asked me what did i feed her until she become like Michelin. haha. She breastfed almost all the time until 2 years old.

By hook or by crook, the anaesthetics team need to find at least an IV line. I was there in the operation room and saw they inject here and there, both right and left hands but couldn’t find any. Until they inject both right and left foot, still couldn’t find the line. At the end, Dr Azura and all the anaesthetics team agreed to do local GA. Later, they asked me to wait outside the operation room. I prayed hard. Hoping everything is going to be alright. She will be fine. I know my little angel is a strong girl.

Suddenly after 10 minutes, I saw Dr Azura came towards me and said it’s done. My first word was Alhamdulillah. Then she explained, actually the operation did not go well. They couldn’t make it as they have planned. The speculum and moulder is bigger than her left eye. Because her left eye is very small and sunken, the moulder couldn’t place into it and ultimately, Dr Azura has to change her plan. Just put a ready-made prosthetic eye into her left globe. That’s the best without hurting Adriana which was in half-conscious during the surgery.

After the surgery.

The best thing is when Adriana was allowed to discharge after few hours of the surgery. Since there’s no IV and drip line, Adriana was in good condition. A very strong daughter when everybody else cried like a tsunami. At that moment, I realized something wrong. The surgery triggered seizures. She had like more than 20 times of seizures attacked and I worried so much. The doctor said, just monitored her at home and if the seizures getting worse, immediately rush to the nearest hospital for emergency.


An hour after the surgery, she woke up and gave us a smile. "I'm fine, mama."

Fortunately, at home, later during night she falls asleep due to tiredness. The next morning, on 6th May 2015, she woke up early in the morning like usual, feeling very different. Her facial and body language has changed. It’s like “I feel so different! I have a new eye! It feels so amazing!”  Maybe still feeling a bit weird of the new changes, Adriana finally managed to adjust herself with her new prosthetic eye. She became a happier girl. It’s like a reborn. She feels like starting a new life.

Three days after the surgery, she tried to open her left eye. I was touched. I cried. It’s her first time opened her left eye. I snapped few pictures and sent it to Dr Azura. She prayed for us. I thanked her. I thanked God for everything. Adriana really changed and became more talkative as if trying to tell her joyful feelings. I looked at her both eyes with mixed feelings. I know her vision is quite blur, poor vision, but I always and keep praying that, at least she can see us, family. If not destine in the world, maybe in hereafter, in Jannah.

The first time moment she opened her left eye.

I know she’s born imperfectly, but in the heaven, in Jannah, she will be a perfect girl with beautiful eyes, can see us, able to stand up, walk, talk, smile and laugh. Because she’s born to be an angel. My forever little angel.

May miracle happens. Pray for Adriana.

 Bidadari dan ahli syurga mama, tunggu mama di syurga sayang.


Mardhia & Adriana.

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