Wednesday 27 July 2016

The Beginning

Assalamualaikum and hola all.

Welcome to our humble and simple blog. Meet Nur Zahra Adriana, (usually I call Yana) and me, Mama Yana.

Honestly, I don’t know where to start. It’s a very long journey since Yana was born two years ago. So I’ll make it simple and short.

So, here we go.

The beginning: My Pregnancy Journey

Frankly speaking, I have been through tough times during marriage and pregnancy.  The moment I knew I was conceived, I felt really happy but at the same a bit worried, “Am I able to be a good mom?” “What will happen to me and my baby in the future?” I separated with my ex husband in the early of second trimester. We remain as good friends.  Life has to move on. I need to be strong. I threw all the doubts and start to think of the baby.  

To cut long-short-some-unnecessary-personal-stories, I honestly had a bad feeling since my first trimester of pregnancy. I know something is not right. Mother’s instinct.

After get back with my family, during my 6 months of pregnancy I went to a private clinic asked the doctor for a detail scan. Unfortunately she said, it’s still early to check for the detail scan. I was like what?  I had no idea that times what should I do. The doctor asked me to come again a month later.

On 22nd January 2014, I came again to check for a 3D scan on my 7 months of pregnancy. That time, a gynaecologist checked on me and breaks the bad news. My heart stops pounding. I cried. I was all on my own.

The doctor said her brain has a ventriculomegaly, some excessive fluid on her right brain and seems like missing of corpus callosum. She scanned again to reassure. Later she insisted me to refer to HUKM for further investigation.  

On 28th January 2014, I went to the HUKM and met Prof Dr Norzi. She verified the diagnosis and told me some of the prognosis. “Yes, the corpus callosum is missing. She will have a motor function disorder. She might not be able to live like other normal kids. She may not be genius, cannot grip and grab things, cannot walk blablabla..”  Luckily my youngest sister accompanied me that time and hugged me. She comforts me. “Everything will be alright.”  Because I just cannot hear anymore what she’s saying. I lost in my own world. I was speechless.

On 14th February 2014, Prof Norzi then asked me to undergo an ante-natal MRI. After two weeks, on 27th February 2014, the MRI result came out and she told me another bad news. My heart stops beating. My mind stops thinking.  She found out that her left eye is not formed and sunken. The right eye is not fully formed due to the abnormal brain, her left brain is smaller than the right hemisphere.

I felt like the whole world stops moving.  She handed me a piece of paper written of septo-optic dysplasia. She advised me to do some research. She consoled, gave me useful advise. “Nothing can be done until delivery. But have faith in HIM. He is the Almighty. With HIS power, kun fayakun, anything can happen. Just keep praying for miracles to happen.”

It was a long day. A tragic day that If I could, I do not want to remember at all. Many things happened on that day. Only God knows what happened.  Ya rabb, please give me strength. I pray hard. I recite the Holy Quran everyday, finding out what He is trying to tell me. Sabar. Patience. So wait patiently and calmly. I think for almost about 3 months. I have learned a lot. Our past experience is the best teacher.

Fast forward until 9th April 2014, my eldest sister who also an ICU specialist, just landed from Brisbane, brought me for the last pregnancy check-up at Klinik Kesihatan Presint 9. I told the nurse, I had some leaking a night before. She immediately asked me to get admitted to HUKM and the next thing I know, on the next day, 10th April 2014, I gave a birth to a healthy and beautiful little angel!!! It was an unforgettable and indescribable mixed feeling. A wonderful yet challenging 40 weeks 2 days of pregnancy moments ever in my life!!!

Nur Zahra Adriana binti Ezra Ezulky is born!


Adriana's 14 days old

Adriana’s amazing life journey has just begun.  I will update more soon!

Hugs & kisses!
Mardhia & Adriana

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